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Eating green

Embracing Spring Flavors

As winter fades away and the first signs of spring emerge, food enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the transition of seasonal ingredients. Despite the lingering cold, the months of March and April offer a multitude of local products that capture the essence of the changing season. Let's discover some of the delicious seasonal ingredients that inspire fresh and flavorful culinary creations.

Root Vegetables: Despite the persistent cold, root vegetables show resilience. Carrots, parsnips, and potatoes provide a comforting base for a variety of dishes.

Brassicas: As the days lengthen and temperatures begin to rise, brassica vegetables emerge in abundance. Cabbage, kale, and Brussels sprouts bring their nutrient richness to the table, offering an explosion of freshness and vitality. Whether enjoyed raw in crunchy salads or incorporated into hearty stir-fries and gratins, these versatile vegetables add texture to every dish.

Leafy Greens: With the spring renewal, we start to incorporate refreshing salads, invigorating smoothies, and nourishing sandwiches back into our weekly menu. Boston lettuce, Salanova, or Crisp, Gen V has something for everyone!

Maple Syrup: March heralds the arrival of maple syrup season in Quebec, a tradition we welcome with pleasure! The sweet ingredient offers a delicious addition to a variety of dishes. Whether drizzled over pancakes, in a dressing, in a smoothie, or to accompany Brussels sprouts, we enjoy everything maple syrup has to offer!

Mushrooms: Mushrooms add depth and complexity to a variety of dishes, from hearty risottos and pasta sauces to omelets or quiches.

Herbs: Parsley, cilantro, chives, basil: we find more fresh herbs on our grocery shelves, to our delight! Whether creating a sauce, a pesto, enhancing a meat marinade, or adding to a salad, we use them from leaves to stem, which also releases delicious aromas.

Incorporating these seasonal ingredients into your meals allows you to savor the spring flavors while supporting Quebec's local farmers and producers. 

Bring on the return of spring!